Historically, surface preparation work has been considered a commodity service and little attention has been paid to it in the overall coating program. Research by SSPC, NACE, and some coatings manufacturers has proven that surface preparation is an important part of successful coatings life. This work has usually been awarded on the lowest cost per square foot basis with little or no regard to the downstream costs of disposal, environmental impact, or coating rework.
The land ban and other Federal regulations have altered this view. End users and suppliers are being forced to incorporate these concerns into their painting programs. Many are turning to new technology to comply with regulations and still remain competitive. The quicker these alternative technologies are developed, improved and implemented, the quicker our industry will be perceived as being environmentally concerned. When all cost factors are considered, UHP technology is a competitive alternative for Industrial and Marine work.
UHP Projects, Inc. has been the leader in providing turnkey surface preparation technology for over 8 years. We have completed many government projects and have proven that this is a viable and cost effective service.
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