Finally! A system that is cleaner and cheaper than abrasives
The omni-directional JetTracTM system is a revolutionary development in surface preparation technology. A high speed rotating UHP nozzle enclosed in a vacuum shroud is held in place by a powerful vacuum and a patented seal that allows complete removal of effluent water and paint debris. There is 100% containment at the nozzle, eliminating the need for expensive containment and minimizing the effect of surface preparation on surrounding work and the environment
System Components
- 40,000 PSI Pump offers higher production rates, lower water consumption, and higher nozzle velocities. Achieves better surface cleanliness and contamination removal.
- JetTracTM crawler is vacuum attached, self propelled and remotely operated. Can maneuver over irregular and curved surfaces without the use of scaffolding or man lifts.
- Vacuum skid offers a powerful 27″ of Hg to provide 100% containment at the nozzle. This vacuum holds JetTrac to the surface and removes water and debris.
- Water filter system is a simple recovery system designed to fit any need from simple solids/water separation to removal of hazardous solids leaving the effluent water non-hazardous.
Benefits of the JetTracTM System
- Higher Production rates on both vertical and horizontal surfaces.
- 100% containment at the nozzle reducing cleanup times and flash rusting.
- Less interference with other maintenance activities.
- Reduced setup requirements – eliminates scaffolding, man lifts, and crane service.
- Minimal environmental impact – no airborne or ground contamination.
- Painting can begin immediately, providing quicker completion times.
- Eliminates containment cost.
- Lower waste disposal costs.
Read about our JetracTM success stories.
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